Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What a difference a drug makes...

Lasix does not work on M. This is the drug of choice for a diuretic. M had been on it for a couple of months, and when he saw the cardiologist about 4 weeks ago, the dosage was doubled.

But if it doesn't work, taking more won't do the job.

When they moved M to hospice Sunday evening, I asked the cardiologist if they could leave him on the diuretic (a new one), which seemed to be working. The cardiologist told me it wasn't the diuretic helping, it was all the other drugs.

So I resigned myself to thinking the fluid build up would return within a week, and he would be in respiratory if not heart failure.

But, when he got to hospice, they did put him on lasix, found out it didn't work, and changed it to another oral diuretic. That was yesterday morning.

Today, the swelling in M's left leg is below the knee, the best it has been in over 2 months.

At this rate, he really will improve.

He comes to my house tomorrow by wheelchair transport (my request)...I just can't handle trying to get him in and out of a car with over 100 degree temps, along with everything else. I will end up having a heart attack.

Anyway, M will be under hospice care, which gives us health aide 3 days a week, nurse once a week, social worker and chaplain. Lots of people for M to talk to, so he won't drive me nuts.

And I just bought a 42 inch internet capable TV, and will get cable hooked up this evening. The cable company was great....and I have learned to tell everyone what is going on, I am playing that sympathy card.

G is doing fairly well. He is taking care of himself more now that I am so busy.


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Monday, June 27, 2011

Too Much

G is doing OK.

But, my brother M, 62 years old, is not.

Over a week ago I took him to the emergency room.

We knew he had a heart problem, he was to have an echocardiogram, but there was a waiting list, so finally a week ago Friday I said you have to go to the emergency room.

He walked in, checked himself in, I parked the car.

Long story short, he was admitted. They found a bad mitral valve, 2 blocked arteries in the heart and were to do surgery. But things started to go wrong. First, I think something during the heart cath caused some problems, because he could barely speak after the heart cath.
Then, they found one of the corotid arteries was blocked, and they would have to do surgery on it before they could do the heart surgery.
Then, they discontinued the IV lasix, and his body started filling up with water.
By the time they got more aggressive, his heart was having trouble pumping enough blood, and his kidneys and liver were not functioning properly.

So Friday the cardiologist said he was too high risk for surgery, and recommended hospice.

He was moved to inpatient hospice Sunday night, and I will take him to my house on Wed., assuming he is still alive by then.

I am just trying to hold it together. My brothers came up Friday night, and one is still here, and stayed last night in M's room.
I will go up around 10:30.


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Saturday, June 11, 2011

G is OK, but my family is not

For those of you who want news of G, he is doing OK. He is walking better, his balance is better. He goes next week to have a CT scan done to see if the blockage in his neck has cleared any.

But for my family, wow, what a mess.

I am one of 5 children. In the last 4 weeks 3 of my siblings have had heart issues.

My brother who is 57 had a heart attack 2 nights ago, taken by ambulance. They did a heart cath which showed only 25 % blockage, which really is not enough to cause a heart attack. I think it was stress related, and I think he has the same problem as our mother did, which is a rare condition, a chemical problem.

My younger sister was officially diagnosed with the same condition, neurocardiogenic syncope. Her cardiologist didn't believe her, until she almost passed out during a stress test. She also has blockages but in the small veins, which they say cannot be treated. She is scheduled for gall bladder surgery on Monday, but until then, her cardiologist told to take a nitro tablet every day.

And my brother who is 62 has an irregular heartbeat. He has been retaining water, and I went with him on Wed. to see the cardiologist, who double the lasix, and set him up for an echocardiogram.

The big problem is there no cure, or not even really a treatment for the condition which my Mother had, and which appears to be hereditary.

And, I am sure I have it also. But, I have always had it, so I think it's just normal. Normal to faint at the sight of blood, or needles...but I have learned to know when I might faint, so I just lay down. That's all you can do. Lay down so the blood goes to your head.

At least we know.


Friday, June 3, 2011

G Fell -- Not Hurt Much

Well, so much for that "good balance".

G was in the bathroom 2 nights ago, standing at the sink getting ready to attempt to shave (well, actually just use the clippers to trim his whiskers...he doesn't often actually shave).

I was in the kitchen on the phone, and I heard a racket. I ran in, to see him on the floor in the bathroom. I told my friend with whom I was speaking on the phone, "gotta go, will call you back, G fell".

G was sitting on the floor next to the toilet. He said "I didn't hit my head", which is of course the most cause for concern when one is on blood thinners.

He managed to get his feet under him, and stand up quite easily with my help. He skinned up his left elbow, and a large scratch on his back. I put bandages on both.

The next day a large bruise started appearing on his back.

Well, he was getting a little too sure of himself...and being a little more independent that I was comfortable with, so it was good that this happened when I was at home. And, now he will not complain so much when I insist on being around, and worrying about him.

He always says "I'll be OK".

Of course, this is what he was saying just before I dropped him off at the hospital...and 3 days later had emergency by-pass!

Anyway, he used the wheelchair for a day, saying his balance was a bit off (LOL), but last night started walking again.

He also has exercises he is suppose to be doing. PT gave him a sheet yesterday with various exercises, but suggested he not do them on days he has dialysis.

So we will start on that program tomorrow.

It's my job. Much better than going to a real one.

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