Friday, January 6, 2012

And more..

Two quick things.

The culture came back from the catheter is infected, they have changed the oral prescription, which I have to go pick up now.

Also went to the vascular Dr. today. Good news is the left carotid artery is not yet 80% closed, so they will check it in another 3 months. So, no surgery on it for the time being.

They will try to set up testing on G's right foot while he is in the hospital for the surgery next week. G doesn't have blood flow to 1 toe, so the VA podiatrist had suggested they try to do an angiogram and open up some veins to try to get some blood flow. After the experiences at the VA we decided going with this other vascular surgeon would be a bit wiser.

G needs to be sure and keep the blood flowing to his feet, or he will be in danger of losing toes, and then who knows what else.

We saw a guy yesterday who was at the VA same time G was in Feb. At that time the guy was having his leg amputated below the knee (this was his last leg..), and now he has to go back and have it amputated above the knee. But this guy still smokes, and has really bad diabetes.
Seeing him makes one want to be sure and take care of your feet!


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