Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dialysis at Night

G went on a machine called "the cycler" which does the dialysis at night when you sleep.

Well, that is if all goes well. If there is a problem it beeps, and let you know you
have to get up and check something.

There is a computer chip in the machine that we take in to the dialysis nurses who can
download info. The first time we did it there were 2 pages of alarms. They said many
people come in with print out of 2 alarms, not 2 pages of alarms.

So obviously things have not gone as smoothly as hoped.

It got so bad for a while that G started doing dialysis in the late afternoon/evening,
so it would be finished by 12:30 AM. It's been going better lately, but last night
alarm went off again.

G has gone on a "juice" diet, juicing fresh veggies. He did this in order to lose weight
and get his blood pressure down. It appears to have helped.

He is doing a great job staying on the diet, drinking juice and then eating eggs and
cottage cheese for protein, which he needs more of as the dialysis takes out protein.

He goes again next week for lab work, so we shall see what his blood thinks about
this new diet.

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