Friday, April 8, 2011

What a difference a pill makes

"G" went to the pyschiatrist yesterday. They increased his Zoloft, says they find that often this helps people recover from stroke.

He was so much nicer today. Even the manager at the dialysis place said "G" seems in a good mood.

We went out this afternoon late to Lowe's to buy plants. "G" heard they had a sale on tomatoe plants, 4 for 99 cents. He was correct, although there was no sign, so guess it was a "secret" sale. We bought about 10 different 4 packs, tomatos, lettuce, I don't remember what all else. Now I have to find a place to plant them, that won't be disbured when I get the garage torn down and a new one up.

We have a few more things to get in place before he comes home. I am insisting on wheelchair tranzport to/from dialysis, as often he is weak afterwards. I spoke with th Dr., who would inform the social worker this was necessary (she didn't know why I couldn't take him in the car, because I did one day when they called the cops and the transport people left him).

But, the good news is I overheard people at the nursing home talking about all the training programs they are now taking (on the computer), how many times they have failed...etc. And there does seem to be bit of an attitude improvement.

Of course, this could be just because they know they will be rid of us troublemakers very soon!

Porch is done. Wheelchair ramp to be installed Monday.

I have to get grab bars installed in the bathroom. They gave us grab bars, but I guess we have to install them ourselves LOL. I have already asked my brother to come do that for me.

Good thing I have learned that I can't do everything myself, no matter what "G" says.

This evening "G" and I came to the house to drop off the plants. He was complaining that the gound between the sidewalk and the street needs to be leveled off, as it is causing drainage problems (which is true). I told him I couldn't do it. Then he said he could do it.

I didn't say anything to that comment, but suggested that when the garage gets rebuilt, and they have in the heavy equipment, that we have them dig all the area he wants dug up with power equipment.

He didn't say much, but guess he will let me have that done.


It's a new world.



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