Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Care Plan Meeting


The meeting starts out with introductions. The physical therapist is not there, she called in sick (most likely to avoid us). The speech therapist was not there, but she is good, and we already knew she probably wouldn't make it (not that the people running the meeting knew this).

The pharmacist starts out the meeting revewing the list of meds. It doesn't sound correct, and finally when she gets to the 3rd med, the Dr. sees the look on my face, checks the sheet the pharacist is reading from, and they realize the list is not for "G", but for the next meeting.

Talk about breaching confidentiality.

So then they say that P/T says "G" has plateued, not making more progress, so he will be discharged from P/T on Friday. That's in 2 days.

We were never given any kind of care plan, goals, etc. from P/T. "G" finally asked yesterday if he could be shown how to get up if he falls, and was told "that is something we do for outpatients!". And yet, p/t plans to discharge him in 2 days, and then he WILL be an outpatient.

There was lots of other discussion, almost too depressing to mention.

"G" was still combative, told them a couple of times "that's bullshit". Well, at least they didn't call the cops.

The Dr. has ordered another CT scan which they will probably do late today after dialysis. I hate him having so many CT scans, but he will FINALLY be seen by a Neurologist this week (The "Good" Dr. said he needs to be followed by a Neurologist, and I guess someone finally got the consult put in, probably the Psychiatrist, but I really don't know).

I told them let's shoot for discharge next Tuesday, as I am not sure the wheelchair ramp will be up. The city inspector still has not shown up to sign off the trusses on the porch.

Oh, and here's another laugh. Yesterday there was "Gardening" as an activity so "G" and I went.

They had one of the staff from landscaping, planting onion sets in raised beds. There was no attempt to let any of the patients do any of the gardening.

To me, this would be like offering "art therapy", and then having the patients watch an artist paint.

Well, gotta get to work.

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