Sunday, March 27, 2011

Problem with the Dr...part 2

So, when my b/f ( I will now refer to him as G), got hooked up for his dialysis, I went into an office to continue the discussion about the meeting for the "care plan". They were all anxious to get these done, as it is required by their contract with the VA.

I explained to them that (as per G), there is no point in these meetings, because nothing gets done.

They told me of "G'" reluctance to talk to the Drs., and I told them, yes he does not " suffer fools gladly".

Then I pointed out to them that the PA for Dr. C. would say to him "your head is swollen", and he would reply "yes, maybe we should ask a medical professional about this", and she would walk away.

And yet, when he saw Dr. B. at the VA, and she saw his head was swollen, she immediately sent him for a CT with contrast, saw all the blockages in his neck, and admitted him to ICU on a heparin drip.

I just shugged my shoulders as I said this. As if to say "why do you think he doesn't trust the medical staff here?"

They didn't say anything.

Then I repeated a saying from one of my old bosses "if you see a pencil falling off a table, do you try to catch it? Or just let it fall?"

I don't know if there will be any change, but perhaps they now understand some of the reason for the anger from "G".



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