Monday, March 28, 2011

Good and Bad Drs.

At least the Dr. at the nursing facility has restored my faith in Drs., a little bit anyway.

I have asked him to coordinate the care for "G", and he seems to be doing so. The dietician should see "G" tomorrow.

But, we had the "care plan" meeting at the dialysis place today. Just a joke.
The Dr. was totally unprepared, had her facts wrong, etc. If I sat in front of a client so unprepared, I would be embarassed, and lose a client.

At least "G" will be seen by the "good Dr." nephrologist at the VA.

It's all so frustrating, but at least we have made progress on getting therapies scheduled.

Tonight "G" and I went to a seminar on how to make a rain barrell. He saw the notice in the paper, and asked to go.

It's a way to keep life somewhat normal.

Tomorrow we will probably go to the movies. The cheap movie place is even cheaper on Tuesdays. $1.00 for a movie. Can't beat that.

And anyway, they are prediciting snow tomorrow morning, so a movie will be just the thing to do.

My front porch is in the process of getting rebuilt. The concrete guys have dug footings, inspector came by and told them to dig it deeper, so they probably won't get done as fast as planned, but at least they are making progress.

Also heard the wheelchair ramp has been approved. Should be here in a couple of weeks, about the time my porch gets finished.

Little by little.



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