Monday, April 4, 2011

A Little Better

This morning "G" was depressed, but he didn't want to tell anyone (except me). The nursing home Dr. say him this morning, and "G" told him he was fine.

I spent most the morning getting an appt. for poldiatry, and getting the nurse to type into the activity sheet all of "G" appts (although the "bad" nurse said he did this 2 days ago.

"G" did not get PT today, because he was asleep, and no one came to take him.

But after dialysis, he was feeling better (they finally increased his dialysis up to 4 hours as he was not getting sufficient dialysis, due to the blockages). Of course, this only happened after I reminded them 2 times the Dr. said it should be increased.

"G" and I went out this evening, looked at transport chairs, which he doesn't like because he can't set the brake (it's in the back). He says he can always get around with his walker, but I fear he overdoes it. We then went to my house, so he could look at the progress of the porch, the raised bed where I started putting in leaves, dirt, mulch, and will fill it up at the top with potting soil.

Then we went to dinner at a Sushi restaurant we had not been to before. It was very good, and "G" used chop sticks. I asked if he wanted a fork, but he said no, the chopsticks are good practice.

He still keeps telling me all the things I need to be doing, which is a problem.

There is a "care plan" meeting on Wed., so we shall see what they say.

I still think he needs an adjustment on his meds, but he will see the Psychiatrist on Thursday, so guess it can wait until then.

He still has unrealistic expectations of himself, and me, so that's a problem.

But I can understand. He is very frustarted, and rightfully so.

Problem is, so am I.

He keeps telling me I need to just relax.


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