Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just when you think they are out of it...

My mom has been speaking very little the last couple of months. Sometimes the only words I hear her say all day are when I ask her if she wants sausage or bacon for breakfast.

So, our conversations are basically one-sided. If someone else is around, I try to have a conversation with the other person, in the presence of my mom, so she can hear what is said.

I thought my Mom knew what was going on around her, but I couldn't really be sure.

However, a couple of days ago I was searching for the "wipes" (or personal care pre-moistened sheets, or whatever they are officially called). They weren't in their usual place, so I was looking all around the bedroom.

Apparently my mother does paying attention to what goes on, because I heard her ask me "What are you looking for?". At first I wasn't surprised by this, but then, I realized this is her first complete sentence in a long time, and was quite taken aback.

I try to remember to talk to her, but sometimes I don't have much to say.

That's why it's really nice to get out in the world. Then I can tell her where I have been, who I saw, what I did, etc.

It's good for me too.

That gettin' out in the world.

I kinda miss it.

But, I am sure my Mom misses it more.

Getting old sucks.

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