Sunday, April 10, 2011

Catheter came out

Sat. about 5:30 "G" phones and says "my catheter came out, you better get over here".

He has a catheter which is used for dialysis as he has never had a functioning fistula.

It has never come out before, or, as far as I know, even been loose. He has no idea what happened, other than he said he reached across the bed to pull the cord for the light, and blood started coming out. He didn't even really feel anything.

He told me he walked to the hallway, a nurse was going by, "G" said "I'm bleeding", and the nurse said " Oh Hi Mr. G", and G said, I AM BLEEDING (he is a little hard to understand because of the stroke). The nurse grabbed the blanket, told G to apply pressure, and then I guess they ran and called a nurse from the ER to come over.

Not really sure what happened, but either they transferred him immediately to ER, or the ER nurse came over and took him.

G did tell me that the ER nurse was upset that the nurse at the nursing unit didn't know what to do. Apparently another staff member said to her "well, they have a different culture there". To which the nurse retorted... "but good grief, that's the first thing you learn in nursing school. If there is a bleed, have the patient lie down and apply pressure".

Later I told G that I guess they do have a different of ineptness.

After I got to the ER I called one of my dear friends who lives close by. Sometimes when I am really stressed I get panic attacks when I drive, so wanted to know if I had a back-up plan should I not want to drive. She was kind enough to come over and spend some time with me, and certainly helped take my mind off of worrying so much.

Anyway, G goes to general surgary Monday morning to get the catheter replaced. I am really worried, because he still has all those blockages. If they hit a blockage lose, blood clots can go everywhere, lung, brain, stomach, heart. I know he doesn't think about it. Probably because there is nothing that really can me done, and, he just doesn't want to think about it.

Well, I will go over Monday morning when they take him in for surgery. It's always best that the surgeons know there is a family member there who will be really upset if they screw up.



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