Monday, October 5, 2009

100 Posts

According to blogger, I have made 100 posts.

Boy, that's a lot of whining.

Well, here's what's been going on..

The allergy medicine seems to have done the trick. Of course, it also makes my Mother sleepy, but I would take sleepy over coughing anytime.

I feel so, so sorry for her. I swear her head has shrunk. It is just a skull with skin on it.

But, she is still eating.

She is still having trouble swallowing "thin liquids". Probably, when it's the consistency of water (hence, the term "thin"), it is going down into her lungs and not into her stomach. But, we are giving her vegetable juice and ice chips, and that seems to solve the problem.

The nurse offered some sort of thickening mixture, but when I asked if it had a taste, she said she thought it was actually condensed honey.

I know that when I am thirsty for water, I want water, not something sweet.

So, we declined.

I'll write more tomorrow. I guess I am tired of whining.

Well, I'm tired. That's for sure.

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