Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ativan doesn't work

After the problems with morphine not working, the next nurse suggested
ativan, every 4 hours, to help with anxiety.

Well, I did it yesterday, and it didn't work. It actually made M
more anxious, I guess.

He was up every 2 hours last night, and at 4:30 AM said he wanted to
go sit in the bathtub. I told him no, and actually unplugged
the wireless door bell.

About 15 minutes later I heard him in the bathroom. He had managed
to get off his clothes (which isn't easy, as he has a Foley catheter
which one must maneuver through the pant leg). I helped him get
on the shower chair, and then left him.

Apparently he not only did this, he also went into the kitchen to get a
Sprite out of the refrigerator.

And, at 9:00 AM I got a phone call on my cell phone. It was the hospice
agency. Apparently M had managed to call them, getting the phone number
off one of the medicine bottles. They couldn't really understand him,
but I guess they got his name so they could call me. M wanted to know when
the nurse would be here. He wanted them to give them medicine to make
him throw up, to clear out his digestive tract.

After speaking with the nurse on the phone, I gave him a different anxiety med out
of the "comfort care" kit, as well as the pill for nausea.

The nurse came about 10:00. She took his vitals. B/P was 120 over 70, with
a pulse of 112. LOL.

Oh, and did I mention he walked into the bathroom without his oxygen?

He is started to "wind down" finally 3 hours after the meds. I can give more if
they don't work. He is like a child, fighting sleep. He is so tired he is slurring his words, yet he wants a drink, he wants ice cream, etc.


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