Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our "granny sitter" is a dear

The "granny sitter" was scheduled to come today. I didn't call to cancel, as I knew she would want to see Mom.

She is such a lovely girl. She sat with my Mom the entire time she was here (unlike my siblings).

She has been reading my Mom's "travel logs" from her many mission trips overseas. It's a bit sad that she didn't get to know my Mom in her prime, but she has gotten to know her from her writings.

I called my sister this afternoon and asked if she wanted to come in tomorrow, but if not, I would ask if the "granny sitter" could come tomorrow. She has a child she takes care of, but he has the swine flu, so she is not taking care of him while he is sick, lest she also gets the flu.

Anyway, my sister declined to come in (many reasons why....), so the "granny sitter" will come tomorrow unless she gets called to do some other work.

The hospice nurse told me (in the presence of my sister), "You have to get out of the house every day". Even though my sister heard this, and even commented "you have nurses orders to get out of the house", she was quite happy to have someone else come stay with our Mom, as long as it wasn't her.

Well, people don't change. My sister was here last night, so she can tell everyone that she has been taking care of her Mother.

And that's OK. She needs to be able to say that, and I can give that to her.

I no longer feel too much resentment towards her. She is how she is. I can't change that. I just find it remarkable, and sometimes wonder if we are from the same gene pool.



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