Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mom knows my name!

I don't know what happened today/tonight, but when I was getting my Mom ready for the night, she asked "What day is today?"

I was shocked, as I can barely get her to nod her head when I ask her a question.

So, I thought I would take the opportunity to ask her if she knew my name.

She nodded her head that she did. Then, I asked her what my name was.

She said it.


I had really thought she didn't know who anyone was these last few weeks.

Maybe it's because I decided to cut her dosage of Namenda. This was a drug given for her dementia, but because I thought she was totally out of it, what was the point?

We shall see what tomorrow brings.

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Blogger Dutiful Daughter said...

What a great moment to have your mom say your name! The last thing my mom said to me was “nice.” That was fine, too. When caring for Alzheimer’s/dementia patients, we frequently have to be satisfied with simply knowing that we are a familiar, caring presence.

I visited a friend who was declining with Alzheimer’s over a period of about six years. She was in a nursing home, and I would pop in over my lunch hour. I went faithfully once a week for the first few years. Eventually, she declined to the point where a couple weeks went by, and I thought she really didn’t know if I was visiting or not. When I showed up, she took me by surprise by saying, “Well, I haven’t seen YOU for a while!” You never know!

October 22, 2009 at 8:17 AM  

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