Saturday, May 7, 2011

G Gets Hearing Aides Adjusted

Yesterday while G was at dialysis the VA called to see if he could make a 9:00 AM appointment on Saturday to see the audiologist for his hearing. He received a letter last week saying they were booked up for 2 weeks and would let him know....but apparently someone decided to work on Saturday to clear out the backlog.

I check to see if he could get transport, he could, so appointment was made.

I noticed when I first met G over 4 years ago he had some hearing problems. Finally, a couple of years ago he got an appointment to get his hearing checked.

He was on a Destroyer in Vietnam, and his job was to load and fire the "big guns", a very noisy job. I asked him if the Navy gave him ear protection, and his reply was "are you kidding? They didn't even give up gloves".

So, no wonder he has hearing loss.

Anyway, he got hearing aides from the VA. He has hearing loss in the range same as women's voices (nice excuse to not hear me). He wore them for about a year, but then he couldn't find them. When I was cleaning up his office after his stroke, I found them, so at least he had them to take with him to the appointment.

His hearing has gotten worse. He noticed it after the stroke, that the right side hearing is affected, just like everything else on the right side.

They adjusted his hearing aides, and when he came home he complained he could hear "too much". I know it has to be a big adjustment. Also, sometimes hearing aides just amplify everything, so we shall see how long he wears them.

At least he has the option, because sometimes I have had to shout for him to understand me, and that's no fun, along with everything else.

Anyway, he came home, we sat on the front porch, and later I took him down the wheelchair ramp and he planted some herbs in the raised bed.

He is doing much better. Able to get in and out of the bathroom on his own, into bed on his own. Such a big improvement in just a day.

We received the invitation in the mail today from his daughter for her College Graduation. It's over a month away. I really hope we can go, but who knows. It's a 2 day trip from here, and would require G getting dialysis somewhere else...
so I doubt it would be a good idea to go.

We didn't talk about it.

G said he will work on his painting this afternoon, after a nap. It is an abstract. He has an artistic side, so I will be interested to see the finished product. Since he can't write or type anymore, this gives him another outlet.



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