Thursday, April 28, 2011

G goes to hospital tomorrow

After the call yesterday regarding requirement to discontinue the blood thinner coumadin in order to increase the blood clotting before surgery, it got me worried.

Well, first of all, there was nothing said about taking Plavix, which we should get in the mail soon. So G wanted me to call about that.

When I phoned, I also mentioned my concern that whenever they take G off of blood thinners before a procedure, he has a TIA. So, the nurse told me to phone the primary care Dr. about this concern. I couldn't get him, but left a message, which, apparently, prompted a lot of between the various Drs.

Long story short, they want him to be admitted Friday afternoon, and they will put him on heparin, which does not stay in the system as long as coumadin.

The other things that will probably happen tomorrow, if history repeats itself, is that his catheter won't run for dialysis. If this happens, at least there will be some preparation (I hope) in case this happens.

G doesn't want to spend the weekend in the hospital, and I don't blame him, but he also stated he doesn't want to have another TIA, so at least we agree on that.

Keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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