Monday, April 25, 2011

Got Through the Weekend

G did not feel nauseous on Saturday. He now agrees with me that when he gets nauseous it's because he is having a stroke. The neurologist (whom I was never impressed with), told G the nausea was probably due to low blood sugar. But they checked his blood sugar on Thursday when he was nauseous, and it was 125, which is not low.

We didn't go anywhere this weekend. Well, I went to the store several times.

I had a prime rib to cook, which I have never done so before, so asked G to look up a recipe for me. He seemed to enjoy doing so, and it turned out pretty tasty.

Saturday was cool, but the sun came out Sunday, so G wanted to go to the backyard.

He walked down the wheelchair ramp, and all the way to the backyard, where I had placed a chair. We still had lots of plants to get in the ground, so he "supervised" the planting, although to be honest, I have more gardening experience than he.

At one point he decided he would get down and finish planting the lettuce I had dug holes for. So, he manages to get on the ground, and get back up. Of course I do not think this is a good idea, in light of the catheter in his groin, but I just don't argue with him anymore.

Then he decides he will go back in the house via the back steps. These steps have no railings. I told him I didn't think it was a good idea, but he insisted. He sat on his bottom and managed to get to the porch, asked for his walker to be placed there so he could use it to get up. It wasn't pretty, but finally with my help he managed to stand up. Afterwards he said "I don't think I will do that again". LOL.

His hearing seems to be worse. I think that's because of the swelling, but not sure.
He has started looking at some of his e-mails. He still can't really type, and has trouble seeing the keyboard to try and hunt and peck, but he manages to use to the mouse to get things to come up.

There is a care plan meeting today at the dialysis center. I have decided I am not going, although I said I would. G has asked that I don't go, because the meeting is pointless, it's only to fulfill a paperwork requirement, which is absolutely true.

I think I will call the nurses today for G's primary care Dr., to build a fire under the staff for the meeting tomorrow.

Gotta run

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