Sunday, August 2, 2009

"The Boil" continues

The boil has decreased, but it is not totally gone. I keep applying the castor oil, but it is not drawing out the last of the infection. It's been a week since it was so bad I phoned the nurse (on a Saturday).

The nurse comes tomorrow. I'll see what she thinks, but we will probably get some antibiotics.

There were never any red streaks, which would have meant the infection spreading, but I suspect there is still some infection.

With all the talk about the new health care proposals, I will put in my 2 cents about "advanced directives".

My Mother signed a DNR (do not resuscitate) order for herself, after my father died (of pneumonia). A DNR is not an advanced directive. An advanced directive just gives instructions as to your wishes, so for her DNR is part of it. She has always made it clear she wants no extraordinary measures to keep her alive.

Last year I was afraid she might be getting pneumonia, so I had my sister talk to my Mom, so see if she would want antibiotics. I had my sister handle this, as she does hold the health POA, and I did not want to be accused of swaying my mother.

My Mother stated a very strong NO.

The reason I mention this is, obviously the boil didn't kill her, so now it's just going to be an annoyance. Which, is why I would suggest antibiotics.

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