Monday, August 15, 2011

Update on G

For all of you going "enough already, what's up with G?"

Oh, too much to even tell.

Here's the short version. I have made an appointment with the
best surgeon in town to do the special surgery G needs. He will have surgery to allow for peritoneal dialysis, which is done by yourself, at home. But, you need a catheter placed in your stomach area, and then you put in fluids, leave them for some time, and take them out.

They say it mimics the kidneys the best.

But G tried to have the surgery done for this in March 2010, but he had too
much scar tissue in his abdomen from previous exploratory surgery.
However, apparently one can go in from the side, around the organs, to
insert the catheter. It is much more complicated, and a real surgery, not
just outpatient.

The horrible VA surgeon claimed he could do this surgery, so
we couldn't get a referral from the VA, so G will have to pay for the
surgery himself. But, hopefully the surgery will be successful,
and G has Medicare part A, so he will just have to pay for the
surgeon and the anesthesiologist.

But, the first consult appointment I could get is Sept. 1.

That's OK. G really needs to have a sleep study done first, which I just
got scheduled for this Sat. G says he can't sleep on his back, and when he
is in ICU he must, so it's a big problem. G went for 3 days without really sleeping after that last botched surgery, and he was in bad shape. Of course that was
when he lost all that blood and they didn't give him a transfusion.

G's dialysis catheter is running OK, so I think it will work for another month, fingers crossed. He was also told by the dialysis center that another catheter
could be placed in that same site, if this one fails....but as G said "they probably are just saying that to keep me happy"....

Now that my brother is no longer here (may he rest in peace), the house is quiet, G and I can enjoy time together, and needless to say, the stress level is much lower.

Stress is a horrible thing.

Sleep is good.

Think I will take a nap.

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