The Other Story
Yesterday I posted about calling the firemen to pick up M. I said he had a sore ankle, but that's another story.
Well, here is the story.
My ice maker has not been producing as much as as we are using. Probably because it's been over 100 the last few weeks, and everyone gets ice, and stands around with the freezer door open.
M said I probably needed a new filter for the ice maker. I never heard of this before, but then he told me that our dad had replaced the filter in their ice maker every 6 months. So Sunday when I was gone, M decided to GET ON THE FLOOR and try to read the model number on the refrigerator, so we could know what filter was needed.
I came home to find this. My brother R was here at the time, was none too happy (don't forget he has put up with M his entire life, more than I). Anyway, R is a big guy and ended up picking M up off the floor. But, the next day was when M's ankle started hurting, and his hip, so obviously he did some damage.
I feel so bad for M. He just can't help himself. He just has to do it when he gets something in his head, and there is no common sense saying "maybe this will be bad for me".
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