Wednesday, May 18, 2011

G is bored

Yesterday G did not have any appointments, so he was home all day.

He is feeling better, so he didn't sleep as much. He walked down the wheelchair ramp, which is 32 feet long.

Then he sat in his wheelchair and told me what to do in the yard.

I suggested we go for "a ride" (in the wheelchair), to look at a house a couple of blocks over. It is for sale, and I went to the open house on Sunday. The strange thing about this house is it has a shared is a 2 car garage, and half of it belongs to the next door house. Very strange. I thought it might be of some interest to G, at least an excuse to get out a bit.

G complained that the sidewalk was very bumpy, so on the way back I "drove" in the street. Much smoother.

All G really does is watch TV or Movies on the computer, read the paper, magazines, and eat.

Yesterday I went to the library and checked out a bunch of books, and he started reading one last night.

This is the first time since his stroke he has attempted to read a book. It has really bothered me, as G has always loved books. I was afraid he had trouble following the story, but I think it was just finding one which was of interest.

At least today he is off to dialysis, and tomorrow he has a full day of appointments at the VA.

One appointment he does not have, but needs, is with the podiatrist. His toes are a bit purple, which is quite worrisome. We called yesterday, and they were to call back, but so far nothing. Think we will try to stop by tomorrow.

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