Thursday, February 4, 2010

Contract on Mom's house

Great news!

We got a contract on my Mom's house. Two weeks after it was listed.

Of course the initial thought is "we priced it too low", and, maybe it was. But, it wasn't priced so low that any of us thought the price was wrong, so we are all happy to have the sale underway.

The closing will be in 60 days (our request) so we have a little bit of time to get everything out of the house.

Now, the other really good news is my brother M has signed a contract on a house. It was a house sold by HUD, and he got it for a really good price. It's in fairly good condition, mainly needs cosmetic work. It has a huge 2 plus car garage, which in mind mind was the best thing about the property. It will allow him to have a place to store all the stuff he loves to drag home. I just hope the property doesn't turn into "Sanford and Sons".

I am trying to steer him into the idea that he could sell this house in a couple of years and maybe double his money, so perhaps that will be an incentive to keep it looking nice.

Anyway, it's a way to tie up the money he will received from Mom's estate. We all feared that he would just go out and "blow it", and then not have anything to show for it. He's done it before, and it's not uncommon behavior for someone who is bi-polar.

So he is excited, I am excited, and life is pretty good.

Except for a phone call from one of my friends.

More on that later.

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