Monday, September 7, 2009

Mom is in good hands

I read about caregivers not wanting others to take care of their care receiver (I don't know what would be the generic term, I just made that up).

I knew from the get-go that I needed back-up. My brothers were willing to help, but they didn't know where to begin.

So, I made sure to train them as we went along. Sure, there have been some bumps in the road, and no, they don't do everything as I would, or as I would like, but I know that if I don't rely on them to do the best they can, I would never get a break.

One of my brothers was here for the weekend, and another one came today.

I don't know if it's because my Mom was glad to have me back around, or what, but she was much more "with it" this evening. I made her an ice cream sundae. She sat up and ate it when the news was on. Then, when the local news was over I switched over to PBS.

I enjoy PBS news, but it's not something my Mother really watched. When I laid her back down I asked if she wanted some music on (which she normally does), or if she wanted to listen to the news. She said she was listening.

That really surprised me. I knew she seemed interested in the local news, but past that I never was sure.

I guess she is more "with it" that I thought.

Darn. She is going to be around forever.

Her loving daughter.



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