Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Mother's Voice

This morning when I learned that both my brother and my sister could use some things that were sold at the estate sale, I heard a voice in my head say "What is wrong with you people".

And it was the voice of my Mother.

Mom was organized. She never went running to the store for something which she already possessed, because she knew where it was.

My father was just the opposite. He was always purchasing pliers, screwdrivers, etc., because he couldn't find his. He often got pliers from us kids for Christmas presents, because it was something within our budget, and we knew, no matter how many he might already have, he could always use another.

My Mother got so irritated with him taking tools out of the drawer in the kitchen (for her use) that she eventually bought a small tool box to hold the tools she needed, put a padlock on it, and hid the key from my Dad. I'm pretty sure this was after all of the kids left home, because we had probably gotten blamed for the disappearances prior to this time.

I'm not saying in any way I am organized like my Mother, but I generally can dig around and find what I know I have... somewhere.

Anyway, it was a little strange, because that voice in my head was my Mother's voice.

I heard her use that phrase so many times, but until today, the meaning of it didn't really sink in.

It made me smile. My poor Mom.

I miss her.



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