Saturday, October 15, 2011

Little by Little

Don't think I posted that G lost his voice.

It happened the Thursday when his
INR went to 10 (that is the test for how thin your blood is). It should be 2-3 for him,
being on blood thinners. I don't know what normal is without blood thinners. I guess
around 1.

Anyway, that caused him to have internal bruising, and sure blood was just seeping out
wherever there was a scratch. Since G had been intubated 2 times in a week, during
his surgeries, am sure his vocal chords had some damage, and got worse when the
blood went thin.

So he is very hard to hear at the moment. His son was to come visit this weekend, but
we have postponed it until G can talk.

At least G is getting better, little by little. He felt weak after dialysis yesterday, but
they took off a lot of fluid, to help with the fluid overload.

About 1 :00 AM this morning
he wanted to get up, which I helped him to do, but then he said he could get himself
back to bed. Which he did. So, he is once again becoming independent.

Thank goodness!

I know lots of sleep, and eating healthy foods will help him to heal.

Oh, the other funny thing, his blood pressure has not been high! I think after they cleared
out the carotid artery, his blood pressure dropped. Would make sense, the blood
can now go through a place it had to squeeze through before.

So we have to monitor his blood pressure closely, to make sure it doesn't go too LOW.

Just glad to have him home and feeling better.

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