Monday, October 10, 2011

Not Yet

G's INR was only 1.2 today. That is the measurement of how thin
his blood is. It needs to be over 2.

I rather doubt it will be high enough tomorrow for him to go home,
but we shall see.

He is feeling a little better, but his right arm hurts a lot. He is
still asking for pain meds, which isn't good.

This morning I was very concerned about his head being swollen, and
he even seemed confused. But after dialysis (they take off fluids
during dialysis) he was better.

He was really irritable today, wanted food he shouldn't really eat, but
I brought it to him anyway. Fritos and french onion dip, both high in

He is so very good about his diet, breaking it once in a while isn't doing much harm.
After his treat he was in better spirits.

He wants to go home. I feel so bad for him.



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