Saturday, October 9, 2010

Life goes on

Tonight I was thinking about when I started taking care of my Mom.

I remember telling myself...I can do this, 3 months, and she will be better.

But, she didn't get better. And months turned into years.

I still don't know how I did it. Only by sheer determination, and I found a really
great guy who would come see me when I could, and was there to support me.

Without him, I think I would have gone crazy.

But now it's been almost a year since my Mom died. And, a couple of months since
my b/f Mom died.

And life goes on.

Now it's worrying about us, about my siblings.

My Mom said I always worried too much.

I am working on that. She probably had a point. She was a pretty smart lady, and I still miss her wisdom. But, I always have her voice in my head.


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