Sunday, December 11, 2011

Classes for home dialysis

I guess I have mentioned before that G has never been happy with his renal Dr. at the dialysis center.

It started when he had all his tests and paperwork done to get on the kidney transplant list. He had an appointment
with her and thought she would review everything and refer him to get on the list. Instead, her reply was "I don't have time to look at all of that now".....

And then, 3 months later he had his stroke, and well, she continued to show her ineptitude
since then.

Anyway, he has wanted to change Drs., but has not yet managed to do so. I suspect it will be difficult to
do staying with the same dialysis company, because you know how Drs. are, they don't like to step on
each other's toes.

But, the dialysis place phoned last week and said they wouldn't have any classes available for G to start training
for home dialysis until Jan. I whined and complained, and said how high risk he was because his catheter doesn't always run well. She said "let me see what I can do", but so far no good ideas.

This gave me a good reason to check out the other dialysis company in town. G will have to get an appointment with a Dr. at that company before they can write the order, and the office was closed Friday afternoon.

So Monday morning we shall see if he can get an appointment with this other group, and they can do training
the week of Christmas. It's not as early as we would like, but I think it is just a good time to move to this other company.

End result is G won't be able to start home dialysis until after Christmas.
We will also have to reschedule a couple of Drs. appointments. G has so many it's difficult to work around

Such is life.

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