Home Dialysis delayed
G went to the surgeon yesterday to have the PD catheter (the one in his stomach) "exposed", so he could start
training for PD dialysis, which he can do at home.
The letter from the PD dialysis training group said the appointment was at 11:00.
I wrote on the calendar the appointment was at 12:30, so called to check, and I was correct.
We got there at 12:15, and was told the Dr. would be 45 minutes late as he was still in surgery.
Finally, at 3:00 he shows up. They don't have it marked down that he is suppose to expose the PD catheter, and
he says that G should not start PD dialysis as long as the wound on his arm is not healed.
Long story short, another 2 weeks before the surgeon will expose the PD catheter, so G has to continue hemodialysis.
I had already cancelled VA transport for dialysis, so took G myself, and will for the next couple of weeks. I think one of the reasons G really dislikes going out for dialysis is sometimes he has to wait an hour before they pick him up.
Also, he has to sit in a recliner, basically on his back, for almost 4 hours. The reason he must lie down is
because he is still getting hemodialysis through a catheter in his groin, and it doesn't run well unless he is flat.
He told me that yesterday his blood pressure hit over 400 for just a bit, as there wasn't any blood coming out of the catheter. The nurse had him cough, and that was enough to start the blood flow. Good thing. I guess that
is one of the reasons he could die during hemodialysis. Or, have a major stroke.
On a good note, the wound on his arm, at the fistula site, is healing up nicely.
training for PD dialysis, which he can do at home.
The letter from the PD dialysis training group said the appointment was at 11:00.
I wrote on the calendar the appointment was at 12:30, so called to check, and I was correct.
We got there at 12:15, and was told the Dr. would be 45 minutes late as he was still in surgery.
Finally, at 3:00 he shows up. They don't have it marked down that he is suppose to expose the PD catheter, and
he says that G should not start PD dialysis as long as the wound on his arm is not healed.
Long story short, another 2 weeks before the surgeon will expose the PD catheter, so G has to continue hemodialysis.
I had already cancelled VA transport for dialysis, so took G myself, and will for the next couple of weeks. I think one of the reasons G really dislikes going out for dialysis is sometimes he has to wait an hour before they pick him up.
Also, he has to sit in a recliner, basically on his back, for almost 4 hours. The reason he must lie down is
because he is still getting hemodialysis through a catheter in his groin, and it doesn't run well unless he is flat.
He told me that yesterday his blood pressure hit over 400 for just a bit, as there wasn't any blood coming out of the catheter. The nurse had him cough, and that was enough to start the blood flow. Good thing. I guess that
is one of the reasons he could die during hemodialysis. Or, have a major stroke.
On a good note, the wound on his arm, at the fistula site, is healing up nicely.
Labels: hemodialysis, PD catheter
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